6 habits to damage brain

6 Habits that Might Damage your Brain

Your health is important and your brain is no exception to this. The brain is one of the important organs in your body for all good reasons. When it comes to the function of the brain, imagine which of your daily routine tasks is possible without the involvement of your brain. Yes, there is nothing we can do without our brains getting involved.

We sleep, eat, digest, think and even fight, all because our brain is working efficiently. A minor change in your brain functionality can turn your life upside down. This high-performance organ is considered to be critically important for all aspects of our health.

Unfortunately, just like all other organs in your body, your brain is also prone to damage. When it comes to the causes of brain damage, aging remains at the top. Over time, our brain cells either decrease in number or their functionality is compromised resulting in brain damage, said a renowned neurologist from Al-Shifa hospital.

Common Brain-Damaging Habits

Alongside aging, there are many other causes of brain damage. Injuries, genetics, lifestyle choices, dietary patterns, and habits are important factors that can damage our brains. Coming the habits, many of our routine habits can be a leading cause of brain damage. Some of our habits that can be damaging to our brains include;

1- Sleep deprivation

Sleep plays an important role when it comes to optimal brain function. Although our brain keeps working even when we are sleeping, still sleeping at least 6-8 hours is essential for better brain performance. Though sleep requirements can vary from person to person, having sound and peaceful sleep is important for better brain performance. Not sleeping enough can be damaging to the hippocampus, an important part of the brain responsible for important brain functions.

2- Consuming too much sugar

Sugar consumption is bad for us no matter what aspect we are talking about. It only adds to your overall calorie intake leading to weight gain which is one of the primary causes of many different diseases. Not only this, but sugar consumption is also detrimental to our brain consumption. The reason states that too much sugar in the blood can compromise the brain’s absorption capacity for different important nutrients. This nutritional insufficiency could be a leading cause of compromised brain function that is damaging to our brain in the long run.

3- Physical inactivity

Next on the list of brain-damaging habits comes physical inactivity. We all know and heard about the multiple benefits of physical activity for both our physical and mental health. A sedentary lifestyle can be damaging for our brains by changing the shape of the neurons in our brain that are responsible for our brain functioning.

4- Skipping your breakfast

Many of us use a busy morning routine as an excuse to skip breakfast. Missing breakfast can seem less damaging than it is. When you wake up after hours of sleeping, your body and brain require energy to work. When you skip your breakfast you are depriving your brain of essential nutrients required for its performance. This surely can be a cause of brain damage.

5- Dehydration

WATER is essentially required for our body and brain. Our brain is mainly composed of water and needs consistent water present in our body to perform better. When you keep your body and brain deprived of water there will be a decrease in brain function according to a neurologist from Raazi hospital.

6- Working in sickness

When you work in sickness, especially fever, you tend to damage your brain. Be mindful that when you are suffering from illness, your body and brain need rest. Contrary, when you choose to work, this is certainly damaging for your brain.

Bottom Line

The brain is an important organ in the human body. Many things can be damaging to our brains. Among these causes, our everyday habits play an important role. These habits are harmful to our brain health in both the short and long run. If you end up avoiding these habits, you can certainly protect your brain health. Other than this, regular checkups and keeping an eye on the signs of brain damage or compromised brain function can also be helpful.

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